At its core, ministry is a way to live out our faith by being the hands and feet of Christ in the world. Using our unique gifts and charisms, ministry allows us to serve, and build up our community, through hospitality, music, outreach and prayer.

If you are interested in volunteering with any of our ministries, please contact the parish office at office@stcaths.org.au


  • Acolytes assist the priest before, during and after Mass. We are always keen to have children who have made their First Holy Communion serve at Mass. To become an acolyte or if you would like your child to serve at Mass, please contact the Parish Office.

  • The Roster is once a month with 5th Sundays of the year being shared amongst the 4 Groups. The Altar Society assists with the cleaning of the sacred vessels and the beautification of our church. Please contact the Parish Office if you can assist.

  • Our Catechists are the volunteer Scripture Teachers that attend the Government schools within our Parish Boundaries on a weekly basis, to provide opting-in students with the SRE (Special Religious Education) curriculum. The DoE (Department of Education) states that SRE is part of “a well-rounded education that values and supports the intellectual, creative, physical, social and emotional development of each child.”

    The Archdiocese of Sydney's chosen curriculum and overseeing body for the SRE program is run through the CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine), who ensure that all Catechists are trained to a high standard, supported in classrooms and schools, and provide the best updated curriculums for our Government school students. For more information on the role of a Catechist in the Archdiocese of Sydney, see: https://ccd.sydneycatholic.org/about-ccd/what-is-sre/

    If you are interested to find out more about becoming a Catechist or a Catechist-Helper for the St Catherine Labouré Parish, please contact the Parish Office.

  • The CWL group meets monthly and will offer spiritual formation as well as assist with fundraising to help various charitable ventures. Membership forms can be found at the back of the Church and returned to the Parish Office.

  • The Marian Movement of Priests (MMP) is an International Catholic Movement based on locutions received from the Virgin Mary by Fr. Don Gobbi. The group meets after Mass on Tuesdays after the rosary.

  • With the exception of Sundays during school holidays, every Sunday 9:30am Mass offers “Children's Liturgy”, which is intended for those of primary school age. I am grateful to those who have expressed interest in leading this venture and would encourage all families — especially with children who might struggle to sit through a homily — to consider this.

  • To be held after Monday and Wednesday Masses at 10 am. Louisa Piccaretta wrote 36 volumes about how to live in the Divine Will. We will read from the writings and learn how to live in GOD'S Will.

  • The Friendship Club is a seniors social organisation within the Gymea Parish community. It was formed in 1984 when a group of parishioners began using the old Dry Cleaning premises (roughly where our current church now stands) as a drop in centre for the senior members of the Parish. From there the Club briefly used the original wooden church building (until it was destroyed by fire) followed by the now demolished Scout Hall and then the Parish Hall (now Montessori) until 2015**

    Our membership (currently around 75) comprises both married couples and singles as well as those who are by themselves later in life. Members are mainly from the Gymea parish but also come from other parts of the Shire as well as further afield. We also have a number of non-Catholic members.

    The Club now meets on the third Friday of every month (except December) at the Gymea Bowling Club (downstairs). This is followed by morning tea (included in the annual membership fee of $35). Many will then have lunch at either the Bowling Club or the adjacent Trade Union Club (Tradies) – a great way to continue the fellowship.

    Day trips and outings are organised every month or so, often with a bus pick-up and return outside Tradies. Activities include a St Patrick’s Day outing, Christmas in July, Melbourne Cup Luncheon as well as a Christmas Lunch and Card Bingo. A couple of times a year a bus holiday of 4-5 days away is also undertaken.

    Contact: Adrian Widenstrom

    Email: friendshipclub@stcaths.org.au

    Phone: 0407 175 469


    Further information about the history of the Friendship Club in it’s first 30 years may be found in the document “History of the St Catherine’s Friendship Club 1984-2014” written by Ros Mooney.

    History of the St Catherine’s Friendship Club 1984-2014

  • The Gardening Team looks after all the grounds around the church, keeping the parish exterior and gardens clean and tidy.

    The contact for this group is through the parish office if you are interested in helping.

    If interested in assisting, please contact the Parish Office either by email or phone: (02) 9525 1138
    Email: office@stcaths.org.au

  • Gymea Catholic Men is St. Catherine Labouré’s men’s ministry. Under the leadership of Fr Greg and Fr Noel, Gymea Catholic Men is a place for Catholic men to meet regularly over breakfast or dinner to pray, support and encourage each other as brothers in Christ while being formed, inspired and encouraged in our faith through talk or video; helping us to live out our true identity as Catholic men in the 21st Century.


    When: Third Saturday of the month, from 9.45 AM

    Where: Church

    Contact: Steve Varga

    Email: skvarga1@gmail.com

    Phone: 0499 322


    When: First Tuesday of the month, from 6.30 PM

    Where: Church

    Contact: Laurence Klein

    Email: admin@stcaths.org.au

    Phone: 0479 075 473

  • "The rules of the LOM are set down in its Handbook.

    Active Members meet weekly for about 1 hour of prayer, study of the Handbook and work assignments and reports, doing a minimum of 2 hours' work in the Parish each week. This work could include teaching Catechism, singing or leading the choir, driving people to Church or to Doctor's appointments, visiting the sick 'and the home-bound, taking them Holy Communion. They pray the Magnificat daily, Our Lady's song of praise of The Lord. Praying or Auxiliary Members do not attend the meetings. They pray daily the Legion prayer leaflet including a Rosary. They pray for the worldwide Legion of Mary.

    Our motto is ... To Jesus through Mary."

    The Gymea Legion of Mary welcomes members from Oyster Bay and Miranda parishes who have now joined us.
    The Legion will now meet in the Parish Meeting Room from 9:45 am after the 9:15 am morning Mass on Thursdays.

    Enquiries can be via the President, Mike Links at office@stcaths.org.au

  • The prayer group have been meeting in our Church every Thursday since 1987 at 6.00 pm reflecting on the monthly messages the visionaries are currently receiving from Our Lady Queen of Peace to the world and they finish with the rosary. You are most welcome to join them.

  • Music ministry involves leading the congregation in sacred music, enhancing the liturgy, and creating a prayerful atmosphere. Musicians and cantors (vocalists) serve by supporting hymns, psalms, and liturgical responses, helping to deepen the community’s connection to God through beauty and reverence in worship.

    At St Catherine’s we have a variety of choirs for all ages and vocal abilities across our weekend Masses.

    We are always looking for vocalists and organists to join our growing music ministry, so if you sing or play the organ, please contact our Parish Office.

  • Did you know that our parish has an online Rosary every Saturday Morning at 10 am? The Zoom link is as follows: www.stcaths.org.au/onlinerosary (Password: 1234). Please call Patricio on 0423 041 590 with any trouble logging on.

  • The St Vincent de Paul Society is a Catholic organisation that aspires to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society. The members are an asset to our parish!

    If this ministy is of interest, please contact Frank Tierney (President of the Gymea Conference) via email at: stvincentdepaul@stcaths.org.au

  • Our Young Adults group meet every Wednesday for a time of adoration, a formation talk, and social time with dinner/drinks at the local pub. Sometimes we shake it up and play board games, watch a movie, just hang out or explore the local foodie hotspots. We'd love you to come and join us!

    Are you a local young adult with a heart for evangelisation or ministry? Are you on fire and looking for a place to serve in the Church? Would you like to go deeper in the lived expression of your faith life or would you like to get more involved in our Parish? Would you like to have a conversation about how St Caths can help you grow your faith life?

    Contact Rebecca at evangelise@stcaths.org.au and we can start that conversation together!

    When: Every Wednesday, from 6.30 PM meeting in the church.