The sacraments are our meeting point with God, a place where we experience an outpouring of His love, received through the church. Each sacrament offers us strength, healing, and a deeper connection with God. Whether it’s through the waters of Baptism, the nourishing gift of the Eucharist, or the healing of Reconciliation, each sacrament is a chance to experience God’s presence in a real and personal way.

At St. Catherine’s, we offer the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, and Anointing of the Sick, along with a welcoming and supportive sacramental program, which helps prepare primary school-aged children to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation. Wherever you are on your faith journey, there’s a place for you here to encounter God’s love and grow in faith within our community.

For more information on the sacraments offered at St Catherine’s please contact the parish office at If you would like to know more about the 2025 Sacramental Program, please email or follow the below link



Baptism is a beautiful sacrament in the Catholic Church where a person is welcomed into God's family. Through the pouring of water and the invocation of the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—baptism cleanses us of original sin and fills us with God's grace. It marks the beginning of a lifelong journey of faith, connecting us to Jesus' death and resurrection. Baptism is not just a symbol but a powerful, transformative moment where we become part of the Church, embraced by God's love, and called to live as His beloved children.

    • Significance: Baptism is the foundation of Christian life, freeing us from sin and welcoming us into the Church (CCC 1213).

    • Ceremony Details: Held most Sundays at 11 am. Bookings are required.

    • Preparation: Families meet with Parish Priest Fr Greg Morgan before confirming a date.

    • Godparents: Typically two; must be baptized Christians, with at least one being Catholic (as per Canon Law).

    • Baptism Packs: Available from the Parish Office. Call 9525 1138 to arrange collection or request by email at

    • Requirements: Child should wear white. Provide a Baptism Candle with "BAPTISM" (not "christening") written on it.



Reconciliation, also known as Confession, is a sacrament of healing in the Catholic Church where we experience God’s mercy and forgiveness. Through an honest confession of our sins to a priest, we receive God’s grace, are freed from the weight of sin, and are given a fresh start. It’s a beautiful opportunity to restore our relationship with God and others, finding peace and strength to live more fully in His love. Reconciliation is a reminder that no matter how far we may wander, God is always ready to welcome us back with open arms.

    • Eligibility: Baptised children in Year 2 or above.

    • Preparation: Children will participate in parish-led lessons in the lead up to their Reconciliation.



First Holy Communion is a sacred sacrament in the Catholic Church where a person receives the Eucharist—the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ—for the first time. Through this sacrament, we are nourished spiritually, united more deeply with Christ, and strengthened to live as His disciples. It is a beautiful, grace-filled moment that deepens our relationship with God and the Church community. First Holy Communion is not just a milestone but an invitation to regularly receive Jesus in the Eucharist, experiencing His love, mercy, and presence in a profoundly personal way.

  • Key Information:

    • Eligibility: Children in Year 3 or above, Baptised, and who have celebrated First Reconciliation.

    • Preparation: Begins in Year 3, leading up to First Holy Communion.

    • Inclusion: Children attending school outside the parish but worshipping at St Catherine's are welcome.

    • Program Requirement: All children must follow the parish preparation program.



Confirmation is a powerful sacrament in the Catholic Church where the Holy Spirit strengthens and deepens our faith. Through the anointing with sacred chrism and the laying on of hands by the bishop, we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, empowering us to live as committed disciples of Christ. Confirmation completes the grace of Baptism, giving us the courage to witness to our faith and serve others with love. It is a beautiful moment of spiritual maturity, marking our full initiation into the Church and our readiness to take on a more active role in our faith community.

    • Eligibility: Any child in Year 6 or above, who has completed their Holy Communion

    • Preparation: Begins in Year 6, leading up to Confirmation

    • Inclusion: Children attending school outside the parish but worshipping at St Catherine's are welcome.

    • Program Requirement: All children must follow the parish preparation program.



Marriage is a beautiful sacrament in the Catholic Church where a man and a woman enter into a lifelong covenant of love and fidelity. Through their vows, they become a living sign of God’s love, mirroring Christ’s union with the Church. The sacrament of Marriage is not only a celebration of love but also a source of grace that strengthens couples to journey through life together, embracing both joys and challenges. It is a sacred commitment where God’s blessing fills their union, guiding them to build a family rooted in faith, love, and service to one another and the community.

    • Significance: Marriage is a divine institution created by God, reflecting a lifelong community of life and love (CCC 1603).

    • Booking Information: Couples wishing to marry at St Catherine’s should contact the parish office at least six months in advance.



Anointing of the Sick is a compassionate sacrament in the Catholic Church that offers God’s healing, comfort, and peace to those who are ill, facing surgery, or struggling with the challenges of aging. Through prayer, the laying on of hands, and anointing with holy oil, this sacrament brings spiritual strength, forgiveness, and, when God wills it, physical healing. It is a beautiful reminder that God is present with us in our suffering, offering hope and grace. The Anointing of the Sick is a source of profound comfort, assuring us that we are never alone and always held in God’s loving care.

    • Significance: The sacrament offers spiritual and sometimes physical healing through prayer and anointing by a priest (CCC 1499).

    • When to Receive: Not just for those near death—serious illness or frailty is sufficient.

    • Contact: To request the Anointing of the Sick, call the parish office and speak with Fr Greg Morgan.

A funeral is a sacred and hope-filled celebration of a person’s life and their journey into eternal life with God. It is a time for family and friends to gather, offer prayers, and find comfort in the promise of the Resurrection. The funeral liturgy includes beautiful prayers, readings, and rituals that honor the deceased, commend their soul to God, and provide healing to those who mourn. It is a profound reminder of God’s love and mercy, offering strength and peace while celebrating the gift of eternal life through Christ’s victory over death.


    • Significance: The sacraments, especially Christian initiation, prepare us for eternal life in God’s Kingdom (CCC 1680).

    • Arrangements: If a loved one has passed, please contact Fr Greg Morgan through the parish office at