COMBINED RostersAcolytes, Ministers and Readers


The Acolyte is instituted to serve at the Altar and to assist the priest and deacon. In particular, it is for them to prepare the Altar and the Sacred Vessels and, if necessary, as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, to give Communion to the faithful.
In the ministry of the Altar, the Acolyte has special duties which he/she alone ought to perform.
Pope Francis has now made this Ministry available to both male and female.

Eucharistic Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest with distribution of the Eucharist at Mass and also to the sick who are unable to attend Mass.
It is open to both male and female.

Altar Servers

Youth of the parish are invited to become Altar Servers.
Altar Servers assist with the Mass Processions and assist the priest during the Mass. It is one of the most helpful services that young people can perform in the parish and is an opportunity to learn more about the church and our worship of God.
Eligibility is limited to those who have received their First Communion.

Children’s Liturgy

Catechesis is an education in the faith. For young children especially, the teaching of Christian Doctrine, imparted in an organic and systematic way, leads the hearers into the fullness of Christian life.
Children’s Liturgy is an opportunity for our youngest to hear the Scriptures in a more accessible way during Sunday Mass.

Lectors (or Readers)

The Lector (or Reader) is responsible in Proclaiming the Readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel reading.
They may also announce the Intentions for the General Intercessions and, in the absence of the psalmist, sing or read the psalm between the readings.
It is open to both male and female.

Altar Society

The Altar Society exists to enhance worship at Church by devoting time, talent, and treasure to create an Altar and Sanctuary that bespeaks the glory of God, and to promote friendship and fellowship among all members of the parish.

For any interested in participating in any liturgical ministry, please contact Mr Grahame Cashman (the Liturgy Coordinator) through the Parish Office ([email protected]) with subject heading MINISTRY